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Approved by GESM Annual General Meeting 28th March 2024

Grappenhall Ex-Servicemen’s Club CiC Company Activities, Membership & Rules – Revision Date: March 2024

1. Introduction

1.1. The Club shall be called “The Grappenhall and District Ex-Servicemen’s League”.

1.2. The GESM is trading as a Community Interest Company (CiC) for which the activities will provide a benefit to the local community.

1.3. The Club was formed in 1921 for the benefit of returning servicemen from World War I.

1.4. The Club has evolved to a larger membership from the wider locality of people.

1.5. The Club is a non-political and non-sectarian organisation with the objective of providing social and sporting activities to the members.


2. Management

2.1. Directors for the CiC shall consist of up to 3 (minimum 2) of the Committee Members / Executive Officers.

2.2. The full committee is completed by a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 Committee Members and a President as nominated by the Executive Officers.

2.3. In accordance with the Trustee Act 1925 (Section 36) 4 (four) trustees are nominated on the Land Registry records.


3. Membership

3.1. Application for membership is open to any person over 18 years old using the prescribed Application Form with the current membership fee applicable. Multiple membership options are available with applicants having full membership rights.

3.2. A photograph of each applicant will be placed on the Noticeboard prior to consideration at the next committee meeting.

3.3. Applicants may not sign in guests to the Club, until their membership has been verified by the Committee.

3.4. In the event of a membership application being rejected, monies will be refunded to the applicant.

3.5. Members are required to pay an Annual Subscription due on the 1st January each year.

3.6. For late payments after the end of February the committee reserve the right to suspend or exclude any member defaulting. 3.7. For non-payment by the end of April, continuity of membership will be reviewed.

3.8. Any member with 25 years consecutive membership will be awarded Honorary Life Membership, which will include joint memberships.

3.9. All life members are required to renew membership each year, to ensure accuracy of club records.

3.10. Life members reaching the age of 90 years old will be entitled to receive up to 2 complimentary drinks for their own consumption per visit (such as beer / glass of wine / single spirit / soft drink)

3.11. Following two consecutive years of non-renewal, life members will be removed from the club records. GESM Committee Members (2024 Draft)

3.12. Any member seeking to join the committee will be required to have completed 3 years consecutive membership.


4. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

4.1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the GESM should be held prior to the 31st March each year for the purpose of;

a) Receiving reports from the Executive Officers for the previous 12 months.

b) Receiving and voting on the Audited Accounts for the year ending on the 30th November in the previous year.

c) Reporting the composition of the full committee for the ensuing year.

d) Considering any further business relevant to the AGM.

e) Any changes to the club rules will require a 67% majority of those present, for other votes a simple majority is required.

f) Life Memberships will be issued at the AGM.


5. Election of Officers and Committee Members

5.1. The election of officers and committee members shall be by ballot or nomination.

5.2. A nomination sheet shall be posted on the Noticeboard 6 weeks prior to the AGM and remain open for 2 weeks.

5.3. All candidates, proposers and seconders must be up to date with membership payments.

5.4. The Ballot, if required, will take place prior to the AGM, conducted by a member of the committee and members may vote on confirmation of their membership status.

5.5. Timing of the Ballot will be displayed on the noticeboard.

5.6. The Ballot results, including votes cast, will be displayed on the noticeboard no later than 3 days after the AGM, together with a list of the new committee members.

5.7. The full committee shall meet soon after the AGM and every month thereafter (where practicable), a break in the monthly meetings will occur in the month of August to allow for the holiday period.

5.8. The committee is empowered to make or repeal any regulation to assist with the smooth running of GESM operating functions.

5.9. If rules changes are required, they should take place at the next AGM. a) NOTE: The committee is empowered to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting if deemed necessary. b) NOTE: On petition of 50 members, regarding a particular issue, the committee must summon an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider the subject raised.


6. Rules

6.1. All bar sales will comply with the Licensing Authority.

6.2. In accordance with the club license, the committee are to determine and vary the standard opening hours. a) Opening hours and any variance resulting from special events will be published on the noticeboard.

6.3. All members may introduce visitors / guests to the club. a) The member will be responsible for the conduct of their visitors / guests whilst on the premises. b) The member must enter the name(s) and address(es) of each visitor / guest into the Visitor Book and pay the appropriate fee. GESM Committee Members (2024 Draft) c) A visitor / guest will not be admitted to the members club on more than 3 (three) occasions within any calendar year. d) Visitor rules do not apply to visiting sports teams and associates who are permitted to use the club bar facilities whilst attending the premises.

6.4. All signed in visitors are allowed to purchase drinks. The same applies to non-members attending for an organised event where the facilities have been booked through the Bar Staff or a Committee Member. a) All bar sales for organised events will be in compliance with the conditions of the Licensing Authority.

6.5. Children (under the age of 18 years) are permitted onto the premises as directed by the committee ruling appertaining to the time of specific function, sporting event etc. a) Under standard opening hours, children (under the age of 18 years) must have left the premises no later than 21.30hrs.

6.6. Sales of Alcoholic beverages will not be supplied to any person under the age of 18 years. Licensing guideline rules will be applied by all members of staff. a) The purchase of alcoholic beverages on behalf of any person under the age of 18 years will be subject to disciplinary action by the committee.

6.7. Only drinks purchased on the premises may be consumed on the premises. Drinks brought onto the premises from externally may not be consumed on the premises. a) Persons in breach of this rule may be asked to leave the premises and will be subject to disciplinary action by the committee.

6.8. The provision of bar credit (tabs) is at the discretion of the Executive officers and only to fully paid members. Payment is to be made upon request and failure to make payment will remove the availability of the facility.

6.9. Any person found to be in breach of rules pertaining to the licensing of the club, will be subject to disciplinary action by the committee which may lead to termination of their membership.

6.10. The club maintains a zero tolerance in the use of illegal substances. Any member or visitor found to be using or in the possession of drugs will be removed from the premises and the incident referred to the committee.

6.11. No Animals (except guide dogs & service dogs) are allowed within the club buildings.


7. Conduct of Members

7.1. The conduct of members and their visitors / guests on the premises should conform to the usual standards of behaviour and morals. a) Physical aggression, abuse or inappropriate language towards any member, visitor / guest or the club staff will not be tolerated.

7.2. Any form of misconduct may result in the individual being removed from the club premises by a Staff member or a member of the committee.

7.3. All incidents will be reported to the Club Secretary as soon as possible for investigation.

7.4. Persons removed from the premises as a result of misconduct will not be allowed to return until an investigation is conducted and any action deemed necessary is decided by the committee.

7.5. The decision of the committee is final and will close the incident. a) Membership fees paid, will not be returned should the incident result in the termination of an individual’s membership

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